Category Archives: Cariboo Mountains

Cariboo Mountains

More summer, more mountains. This trip was pure joy, and so close to home:

Mountain Peaks: 4
Alpine Lakes: 2
Moose: 2
Mosquitoes: Zero
Other people on the trails: Zero
Days Hiking: 2
Blueberries, currants, and thimble berries: Many delicious handfuls (did not have to share with hungry bears)
Wildflower Meadows: Endless
Temperature: Perfect
Km walked: 35ish but mostly straight up so that must count for more
Driving Time: only 2 hours round trip, just enough to thoroughly stiffen up the joints on the way home

The flowers were past their best but the less vibrant colours were worth it for mosquito-free days. Still, I saw more wild Valerian and arnica than I’ve ever seen in one place it was everywhere (just not in this photo!)

The perfect spot for a lunch break

This sunny, mossy slope was the perfect place for an afternoon nap with bees buzzing round my ears . . . though the enormous birds of prey surveying overhead were slightly unnerving

Looking to strike it rich? Call Gary.

The old fire tower. A summer working in a fire tower has always been on the top of my list of dream jobs. Sadly, this tower, like most in BC, is no longer in use.

Love Life!

“All you want to do today is love being alive – even if it is the hardest thing you’ve ever done. Appreciate the sounds, sights, and sensations of your life: friends, books, ideas, sleep . . . just enjoy.”

I have a set of healing cards. Each day I pick a new one and sit it on my desk where I can see it while I work, or more accurately where I can re-read it while I sit waiting for my jobs to download on my slooow internet connection. Today I picked the above card and I was reminded of just how hard it can be to love being alive; how easy it is to complain and be dissatisfied (i.e. slow internet, complain, grumble, complain). . . but also how easy it is to be appreciative if we just pay attention to how amazing life is, even in its mundane moments (i.e., the sound of my keyboard when I’m typing at speed is really quite flowing and rhythmic and soothing).  It  didn’t hurt any that we had a wonderful visit from a friend we haven’t seen in a long time – how kind of her to come all this way to see us and to grace our home with her peace, calm, wit and humour!

Azure Lake, Wells Gray Provincial Park

Azure Lake, Wells Gray Provincial Park

Above is a photograph of a double rainbow that greeted us when we crawled out of our tent  on the last morning of a canoe trip in Wells Gray Provincial Park. This is why I love extended canoe trips – one is almost overwhelmed by moments of awe and appreciation such as this when spending day and night in the wilds; we miss so much when we are trapped between four walls.